Write questions to which the words in bold are
the answers.
1 Ken will help install the solar panels.
• Who will help install the solar panels?
2 I scratched my dad's car.
3 The earthquake damaged the bridge.
4 Carlos comes from Barcelona.
5 We're cleaning up the beach on Sunday.
6 Ruby is interested in wildlife conservation.
7 It takes two hours to reach the village.
8 Emma is tall and blond.
9 We had pasta for lunch.
10 Very few people were hurt in the avalanche.
11 I need two packets of sugar to make the cake.
12 He didn't come to the party because he was ill.


Ответ дал: AINAHSIM

1. **Ken** will help install the solar panels.

2. Who scratched **my dad's car**?

3. What did the earthquake damage?

4. Where does **Carlos** come from?

5. When are we cleaning up the beach?

6. Who is interested in wildlife conservation?

7. How long does it take to reach the village?

8. What does **Emma** look like?

9. What did we have for lunch?

10. How many people were hurt in the avalanche?

11. How many packets of sugar do I need to make the cake?

12. Why didn't he come to the party?

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