Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple of the words in brackets. Give short answers where possible . A: Hi, Kelly. 1 (you/like) sports? (you and your friends. B: Yes, 2 13 (play) football at the weekend. A: Really? 14 15 B: 16 (like) running. (go) running every day. (not like) running very much. What about your sister? 7 (she/go) running, too? A: No, 8 She 9 (not like) running at all. She 10 (play) volleyball. 2. A: Jack, 11 to the park on Thursdays? B: No. 12 We 13 (go) cycling in the park on Mondays and Fridays. W about you? 14 (you/go) cyclin A: Yes, 15 But 116 (not go) cycling on weekdays, only at the weekend
please help me ​


Ответ дал: bjxhkbd

1. A: Hi, Kelly. **Do you like** sports?
B: Yes, **my friends and I play** football at the weekend.
A: Really? **That's great!**
B: **I also like** running. **I go** running every day. **I don't like** running very much. What about your sister? **Does she go** running, too?
A: No, **she doesn't like** running at all. **She plays** volleyball.

2. A: Jack, **do you go** to the park on Thursdays?
B: No, **we go** cycling in the park on Mondays and Fridays. What about you? **Do you go** cycling?
A: Yes, **I do**. But **I don't go** cycling on weekdays, only at the weekend.
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