PREPARE TO SPEAK Describing a past event When you describe a past event: • use the past simple to talk about the main things that happened • use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress add d your opinion: It was an amazing ..., It was really exciting, It was the best... ever, It was so cool, I really enjoyed ... add reasons for your opinion: because... . •​


Ответ дал: malikakholmuminova


Last summer I had a great time at Wonderland amusement park. When we arrived, I was so excited seeing all the huge rides. We spent the whole day going on rollercoasters and other rides.

While deciding what to first, I heard screams from a big drop coaster in the distance. It got me pumped to try bigger rides. We started on smaller rides which I loved.

Around lunch, pizza smelled amazing. The line took forever but was worth it. After eating, I faced my fear on the scariest coaster. The speed and loops had my heart racing - it was the best ever!

By the end my feet hurt from walking all day. But I didn't want the fun to end. It was an amazing day making memories with friends and family. I can't wait to go back next summer!


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