2 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in the correct forms. Add other words if necessary, but do not change the order of the given words. Use no more than six words in each gap.
1 She (must / practise)__________ a long time in order to achieve this level.
2 Lily (may / find)______________ a new dance partner by now.
3 Where did these kids get such expensive equipment? It (must / lend)__________ them.
4 You (can / not/ learn) _________________________ that much by just watching and copying. Did someone teach you?


Ответ дал: kolosvit8020


She must have practised a long time in order to achieve this level.

Lily may have found a new dance partner by now.

Where did these kids get such expensive equipment? It must have been lent to them.

You cannot learn that much by just watching and copying. Did someone teach you?


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