ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!очень нужна помощь

Correct the mistakes if necessary.

1. Mike is absolutely right. I am agreeing with him.
2. Susanne is writing a letter to her e-pal who lives in a far-away country.
3. We stay with our distant relatives until the work on our cottage is finished.
4. These day cell phones get smaller yet smarter.
5. My grandfather is knowing how to text.
6. Nick is studying telecommunications this year at university.
7. My elder sister is working in Dubai, but she is looking for a job.
8. Andrea is currently carrying out her research on environmental issues.
9. Look! Joseph talks to the Linguistics professor.
10. Does it irritate you when people do not get straight to the point?
11. What have you heard on the grapevine recently?
12. Someone has stolen the keys from my bag.
13. Dina can’t answer the phone as she washes her hair.
14. I wrote to my lovely Auntie Mary. She hasn’t answered yet. I still look forward to her reply.
15. Every morning the sun is shining in my bedroom pivoting window and is waking me up.
16. Close up your eyes! Now listen carefully! What am I doing? – You rub your hands together.
17. Hey, Bob! I constantly pick up your dirty socks! It’s really annoying and irritating.
18. I find breakfast to be an essential meal. I’m always having substantial breakfast in the
19. Jonathan is housebound for three days as he comes down with a serious infectious disease.
20. Anita is wanting a snack. She is absolutely starving.


Ответ дал: bjxhkbd
1. Mike is absolutely right. I agree with him.
2. Susanne is writing a letter to her e-pen pal who lives in a faraway country.
3. We are staying with our distant relatives until the work on our cottage is finished.
4. These days, cell phones are getting smaller yet smarter.
5. My grandfather knows how to text.
6. Nick is studying telecommunications this year at the university.
7. My elder sister is working in Dubai, but she is looking for another job.
8. Andrea is currently conducting her research on environmental issues.
9. Look! Joseph is talking to the Linguistics professor.
10. Does it irritate you when people do not get straight to the point?
11. What have you heard through the grapevine recently?
12. Someone stole the keys from my bag.
13. Dina can't answer the phone as she is washing her hair.
14. I wrote to my lovely Auntie Mary. She hasn't answered yet. I'm still looking forward to her reply.
15. Every morning the sun shines in my bedroom's pivoting window and wakes me up.
16. Close your eyes! Now listen carefully! What am I doing? – You are rubbing your hands together.
17. Hey, Bob! I constantly pick up your dirty socks! It's really annoying and irritating.
18. I find breakfast to be an essential meal. I always have a substantial breakfast in the morning.
19. Jonathan is housebound for three days as he has come down with a serious infectious disease.
20. Anita wants a snack. She is absolutely starving.
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