Use the prompts to write guestions.Then answer them,as in the example.1 three books/table!Yes Are three there books on the table?Yes,there are. 2 computer/desk? No......3 pillows/bed?-No.....4 four posters/wall?-Yes...5 six cushions/sofa?-Yes....6 plant/bedside cabinet? - No....


Ответ дал: icanfixthat

1. Are there three books on the table?

  - Yes, there are.

2. Is there a computer on the desk?

  - No, there isn't.

3. Are there pillows on the bed?

  - No, there aren't.

4. Are there four posters on the wall?

  - Yes, there are.

5. Are there six cushions on the sofa?

  - Yes, there are.

6. Is there a plant on the bedside cabinet?

  - No, there isn't.

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