Listening Task 2. Listen to two BBC reporters discuss plastic pollution and complete the gaps in sentences 1-8 with up to three words. Numbers count as one word. O is an example. You will listen to the recording twice.
Example: 0) At the beginning of the programme Dan asks Kate whether she has heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 'outside my/her house, re-use, recycle,square miles acros, 100,000, packaging material, thrown away, bottles or toys, 1) The patch is 600,000 2) Every year, pollution kills a million sea birds and mammals and turtles. 3) According to Jan van Franeker, what biologists are finding in the stomachs of sea birds is and parts from fishing nets and ropes. 4) It seems that 80% of all the plastic litter in the sea has been on land originally. 5) According to marine ecologist Richard Thompson, 40% of the plastic products made every year are that we then discard. 6) The three R's Dan mentions stand for reduce, .......... and 7) Kate thinks she's very lucky because she has all her plastics and glass collected​


Ответ дал: katyapovshyk



1. square miles across;

2. 100,000;

3. bottles or toys;

4. thrown away;

5. packaging materials;

6. reduce;

7. outside my house  

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