Test 2 1. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: There … several beautiful parks in this city. A) Been. B) Are. C) Is. D) Was. E) Be. 2. Герундий мен сөйлемді табыңыз A) There is a lot of housework to do. B) I’m going to visit my parents. C) They are planning to stay with us for the weekend. D) The washing machine wasn’t working. E) I like washing and ironing the clothes. 3. Мәтінді оқып, мәтіннің мағынасына сәйкес сөйлемді аяқтаңыз: Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. One day a woman brought him a young boy’s exercise-book. She said she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the boy’s handwriting carefully. Then he said that the boy was a lazy fellow. “It’s very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you used when you were a boy.” Balzac … . A) Was an engineer. B) Was a man of great talent. C) Was going by train to France. D) Made exercise-book. E) Was a famous English writer. 4. Cөйлемді аяқтаңыз: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s … . A) Husband. B) Son. C) Brother. D) Father. E) Uncle. 5. Фразалық етістіктің дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз: The teacher told us to … the blackboard. A) Look up. B) Look for. C) Look after. D) Look at. E) Look. 6. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз: We call a favourіte domestіc anіmal a … A) mouse. B) cat. C) pet. D) horse. E) dog. 7. Дұрыс толықтырыңыз: … is made of milk and sugar A) ice-cream B) a ice-cream C) the ice-cream D) an ice-cream E) ice-creams 8. Кері мағынасы бар сын есімді табыңыз A) postwar B) legal C) productive D) dramatic E) irregular 9. Есімдікті қойыңыз: They dіd not pіck … flowers. A) any B) nothіng C) somebody D) something E) anythіng 10. Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз: Do you remember those people … we met in Astana? A) Where. B) Those. C) Who. D) Whose. E) What.​


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1B 2A 3E 4D 5E 6C 7A 8D 9A 10A

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