Writings Criteria: 1. your article should have 4 paragraphs-2 2. Use 2 different times (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past C.)-1 3. Use modal verbs not less 2 times (can,could,to be able to)-1 4. Use adjectives not less 2 times-1 5. Use comparative and superlative adjectives-1 paper answering the questions "Should teenagers have mobile phone?" (80-90 words). ples



Ответ дал: k3461351


Title: Should Teenagers Have Mobile Phones?

In today's technologically driven world, the question of whether teenagers should have mobile phones is a topic of considerable debate. These devices have become ubiquitous, providing convenience, connectivity, and a wealth of information at one's fingertips. However, they also raise concerns about privacy, screen time, and social interactions.

Teenagers' use of mobile phones is most commonly observed in the Present Continuous tense as they are almost always texting, chatting, or browsing on their devices. This constant connection to the digital world affects their daily routines and peer interactions.

Mobile phones can be a useful tool for teenagers, as they allow them to stay connected with family and friends. Parents can use tracking apps to ensure their children's safety. Nevertheless, the use of such devices must be monitored and controlled.

In the past, adolescents might have managed without mobile phones, but today's world offers numerous benefits and risks that require a balanced approach. It's essential for teenagers to learn responsible phone usage and have open discussions with their parents about the privileges and responsibilities that come with owning a mobile phone.

In conclusion, mobile phones have become an integral part of teenagers' lives. While they offer many advantages, such as connectivity and access to information, they also bring challenges that need to be addressed. Responsible phone usage, open communication, and parental guidance are vital to ensuring that teenagers benefit from mobile phones without falling prey to their potential drawbacks.

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