1 Time Adverbs Fill in: yet, ever, so far, for, since, just. Carl has ............ retired from his job at the bank. 2 They have been renting their house ............ last • 2 1 3 4 5 6 year. David hasn't moved into his new flat How many job applications have you sent ....... ...? Have you ...ex. travelled abroad before? She has been attending university ............ three years. .

2 Comparatives/Superlatives 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets adding any necessary words. 1 2 Charlotte is ...... Karen is ... 3 Colin is ... 4 5 Mina is ... & George is...... R . (messy) than her sister. (tall) as her mother now. (rude) person I've ever met! My brother's hair is much ............ (dark) mine. (quiet) of all the children. (bad) singer in the choir. D K​


Ответ дал: zaytsevamarianna5


1 Time Adverbs Fill in: yet, ever, so far, for, since, just. Carl has just retired from his job at the bank. 2 They have been renting their house since last year. David hasn't moved into his new flat yet. How many job applications have you sent for? Have you ever travelled abroad before? She has been attending university so far three years. .

2 Comparatives/Superlatives 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets adding any necessary words. 1 Charlotte is messyer than her sister. 2 Karen is as tall as her mother now. 3 Colin is rudest person I've ever met! 4 My brother's hair is much darker than mine. 5 Mina is quiestet of all the children. 6 George is baddest singer in the choir.

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