1 Look at Tom! He .... table tennis. (play)
2 Jamal .... a sandwich every day for lunch. (eat)
3 Oscar .... his room every Monday. (tidy)
4 What's Masid doing? He .... in the kitchen. (cook)
5 Wendy .... flowers .... every spring. (plant)
6 Can you hear Eddy? He....... in the bathroom! (sing)​


Ответ дал: Usergeorg



1) Look at Tom! He is playing table tennis.

2) Jamal eats a sandwich every day for lunch.

3) Oscar tidies his room every Monday.

4) What's Masid doing? He is cooking in the kitchen.

5) Wendy plants flowers every spring.

6) Can you hear Eddy? He is singing in the bathroom!

Veroni4ka1906: Спасибо большое!!!
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