Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect или в Past Simple.

1. Five years ago he (to be) a typist.
2. When he (to see) you? — He (to see) me this week.
3. It’s the best thing he ever (to make).
4. Where I (to put) my beg? I can’t find it.
5. We (to see) her twice today.
6. When they (to move) to a new flat? — They (to move) there last month.
7. Somebody (to telephone) me? — Your mother (to telephone) you three times this morning.​


Ответ дал: arseniipaziukpi2301

1. Five years ago he was a typist

2. When he see you? - He has seen me this week

3. Its the best thing he ever made.

4. Where have i put my bag? I cant find it.

5.We have seen her wice today.

6.  When did they move to a new flat? - They moved there last month.

7. Somebody has telephoned me? - Your moter has telephoned you thee times this morning.

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