Make up General and Special questions. (25 points)
1. He strolled across the square. 2. He did not take the street. 3. He took the wrong turning. 4. He walked slowly along. 5. He did not know what he should do with himself. 6. He did not fancy the notion of going back to domestic service. 7. He could scarcely demean himself by accepting a situation. 8. He had saved a tidy sum. 9. He had never thought to be troubled with such questions. 10. He considered the matter from every point of view. 11. Next day he went along the street and by good luck found a little shop. 12. He looked for another long street

Текст:the veger


Ответ дал: maxbakai12

1. He strolled across the square.

2. He did not take the street.

3. He took the wrong turning.

4. He walked slowly along.

5. He did not know what he should do with himself.

6. He did not fancy the notion of going back to domestic service.

7. He could scarcely demean himself by accepting a situation.

8. He had saved a tidy sum.

9. He had never thought to be troubled with such questions.

10. He considered the matter from every point of view.

11. Next day he went along the street and, by good luck, found a little shop.

12. He looked for another long street.

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