Choose the correct answer, A, B or C to complete the text.
Steven Jobs (1955–2011) was an American businessman
and 1 who changed the world. He grew up with an
adoptive family 2 his biological parents decided not
to keep him. As a child, he helped his father fi x things in
their garage, and in this way, he developed an early love
for engineering. At college he studied Physics, literature
and poetry, but after some time he quit and decided
to travel through India instead. 3 he was there, he
became interested in Zen Buddhism. Perhaps he was
inspired by this Eastern philosophy, because Jobs later
became famous for producing simple and minimalist
devices. What’s more, he did not 4 research on these
gadgets but designed them by using only his intuition.
Many of these products 5 a big effect on modern life
and Jobs’ company became successful and iconic.
1 A invention
B inventor
C invented
2 A while
B by
C after
3 A While
B Till
C During

4 A have
B make
C do
5 A used to have
B were having
C had


Ответ дал: zwvu7ic6va

1. B inventor
2. B by
3. A While
4. C do
5. C had

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