Aaaaaaaa omg please help me please dam 300 balov прочитайте текст і дайте відповідь на питання знизу ​



Ответ дал: bjxhkbd
1. The function of the underlined sentences in the essay is "to summarise what the writer has said in the previous paragraph."

2. In the second paragraph, the writer mentions two advantages of team project work: learning to cooperate and learning about a particular subject.

3. In the third paragraph, the writer mentions three disadvantages of team project work: team members becoming competitive or not getting along, unequal contributions, and the time-consuming nature of teamwork.

4. The writer expresses their opinion in the last paragraph.

5. The essay includes various linking words and phrases. Without the full text, I can't identify specific instances, but common linking words and phrases might include "To begin with," "In addition," "However," "Firstly," "Secondly," "Lastly," and "On the whole." These words and phrases help connect ideas and paragraphs in the essay.

bogdanazaremska7: якщо тобі не важко я виклала на сторінці ще одну вправу з англійської допоможи розв'язати будь ласка
bjxhkbd: ок
bogdanazaremska7: дякую я чекаю
bjxhkbd: поставьте 5 звезд пожалуйста
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