5. Complete the questions and short answers. a) Do you like jazz music? b) c) d) f) B No, I don't Jason play basketball? Yes, he your parents try to understand your feelings? Yes, they you and your friends help each other solve problems? Yes, we Kate live next door to you? No, she you give compliments to your friends? Yes, I they work in a shop? Yes, they пожалуйста быстрее дам 20 балов ​



Ответ дал: perizatazatkyzy827

Начнем с того, что когда мы говорим о третьем лице- she,he,it, мы пишем does. В других же случаях-do. А так же, если в негативных случаях либо don`t, либо doesn`t (сокращенно)

b)Does Jason play basketball? Yes, he does.

c)Do your parents try to understand ypur feelings? Yes, they do.

d)Do you and your friends help each other solve problems? Yes, we do.

e)Does Kate live next door to you? No, she doesn`t.

f)Do you give compliments to your friends? Yes, i do.

g)Do the y work in a shop? Yes, they do.

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