Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. This is ___ (healthy) burger in the world! 2. This supermarket is (busy) shop in my town. 3. I think Venice is ____ (beautiful) city in the world! 4. I think the latest Star Wars film is (good). 5. February was month last year. 6. Our house has got (big) garden in my street. 7. Marla is the class. 8. The cheetah is (fast) animal in the world. (cold) (old) girl in​


Ответ дал: iconino


1. This is the **healthiest** burger in the world!

2. This supermarket is the **busiest** shop in my town.

3. I think Venice is the **most beautiful** city in the world!

4. I think the latest Star Wars film is the **best**.

5. February was the **coldest** month last year.

6. Our house has got the **biggest** garden in my street.

7. Marla is the **oldest** girl in the class.

8. The cheetah is the **fastest** animal in the world.

alsu3713: Очень понятно спасибо тебе большое
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