срочно составить 15 предложений : Adj+noun +preposition +adjective +noun +preposition +adjective +noun + have been / ing + adjective +noun +preposition +adjective +noun+preposition +adjective +noun​


Ответ дал: Velch


1. The curious cat under the table has been watching the fluffy squirrel on the branch for hours.

2. A beautiful flower in the garden has been blooming with vibrant colors.

3. The diligent student in the library has been studying the complex equations on the board.

4. An old tree in the forest has been standing with its gnarled branches for centuries.

5. The enthusiastic child on the playground has been playing with the energetic puppy all day.

6. A majestic mountain in the distance has been covered in a blanket of fresh snow.

7. The noisy neighbors next door have been having a loud party with lively music.

8. A peaceful lake in the valley has been reflecting the serene moonlight.

9. The diligent worker in the factory has been assembling the intricate machinery.

10. An ancient ruin in the desert has been hiding countless secrets for ages.

11. The cozy cafe on the corner has been serving delicious coffee with a warm smile.

12. A huge ship in the harbor has been carrying valuable cargo for weeks.

13. The curious child in the museum has been exploring the fascinating artifacts on display.

14. A colorful butterfly in the garden has been fluttering around the fragrant flowers.

15. The talented artist in the studio has been creating stunning paintings with vivid colors.

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