допоможіть будь ласка!!!! даю 90 (зараз)​



Ответ дал: foraclient41

1. I feel concerned about George being jailed, as it's a serious situation with potential consequences for his life.

2. If I were Susie, my decision to go to the police would depend on various factors. If I believed George's actions were dangerous or harmed someone, I might go to the police to ensure safety. However, if it was a less severe matter, I might try to talk to George first.

3. If I were in George's shoes, I would consider the consequences of my actions and whether they were right or wrong. I might take responsibility for my actions and make amends if necessary.

4. George might have acted a certain way due to his character, upbringing, or environment. Perhaps he faced difficult circumstances or had a troubled childhood. Susie's actions could be influenced by her moral values, sense of responsibility, and how she was raised. Both characters' actions are shaped by their individual backgrounds and personalities.

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