Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1.She went into the kitchen to fix … cold lunch. 2.She had no appetite for … delicious dinner which Cora had cooked. 3.The guests began arriving for … wedding dinner. 4.I won't eat … breakfast, it's burnt again. 5. … free brunch is offered to children in Disneyland. 6.We took … set-dinner which cost ten pounds. 7.This is a serious matter, let's discuss it after … dinner. 8.What would you like to have for … lunch, my dear? 9.Many celebrities were present at … dinner in the White House. 10.Well, children, sit to table, … dinner is ready. 11.What about … lunch? I'm dying for a cup of tea. 12.What … mouthwatering supper! 13.They organized … charity dinner for the homeless. 14.Do you have … lunch at the office or at the bistro nearby? 15.The University gave … farewell dinner to the graduates. 16. … supper which she cooked was uneatable. 17.Now I must rush to the kitchen and have a look at … dinner. 18.Stephen cooked … delicious meal for us last night. 19.In many countries … main meal is eaten in the middle of the day. 20.On the first day of the vacation we all slept late and then had … huge brunch. 21.They had … intimate little breakfast for two.


Ответ дал: dfjhhjjh
  1. She went into the kitchen to fix a cold lunch.
  2. She had no appetite for the delicious dinner which Cora had cooked.
  3. The guests began arriving for the wedding dinner.
  4. I won't eat the breakfast, it's burnt again.
  5. A free brunch is offered to children in Disneyland.
  6. We took a set-dinner which cost ten pounds.
  7. This is a serious matter, let's discuss it after the dinner.
  8. What would you like to have for lunch, my dear?
  9. Many celebrities were present at a dinner in the White House.
  10. Well, children, sit to table, the dinner is ready.
  11. What about lunch? I'm dying for a cup of tea.
  12. What a mouthwatering supper!
  13. They organized a charity dinner for the homeless.
  14. Do you have lunch at the office or at the bistro nearby?
  15. The University gave a farewell dinner to the graduates.
  16. The supper which she cooked was uneatable.
  17. Now I must rush to the kitchen and have a look at the dinner.
  18. Stephen cooked a delicious meal for us last night.
  19. In many countries the main meal is eaten in the middle of the day.
  20. On the first day of the vacation, we all slept late and then had a huge brunch.
  21. They had an intimate little breakfast for two.
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