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Ответ дал: elinasolevaya

Certainly, here's an outline for your presentation on "Taking a Gap Year in Ukraine" using the provided phrases:


- Start with an opening statement: "What I want to do this morning is to discuss the concept of taking a gap year in Ukraine."

- State your purpose: "My aim is to shed light on the current attitude among young people in Ukraine towards taking a gap year."


- Discuss the present attitude among young people: "Many young Ukrainians today are increasingly open to the idea of taking a gap year as it offers them a chance to gain life experiences."

- Describe present opportunities: "In Ukraine, young people have various opportunities for gap year-type experiences, such as volunteer programs, cultural exchanges, and internship opportunities."

- Explore advantages and disadvantages: "Now, let's delve into the pros and cons. On one hand, a gap year can provide valuable life skills and broaden horizons. On the other hand, there can be concerns about delaying formal education."

- Share your views: "In my opinion, a well-planned gap year can greatly benefit Ukrainian students by fostering personal growth and intercultural understanding."

- Recommendations: "I recommend that Ukraine should promote gap year programs and provide guidance to ensure that students make informed choices."


- Summarize your main points: "To summarize, taking a gap year in Ukraine is becoming more popular, offers various opportunities, has its advantages and disadvantages, and should be supported with proper guidance."

- Conclude: "In conclusion, I believe that gap years can be a valuable experience for Ukrainian students."


- End with a closing statement: "Well, that's all I have to say. Thank you for your attention."

- Offer to answer questions: "If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them."

Remember to maintain a clear structure and engage your audience by speaking confidently and concisely. Good luck with your presentation!

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