Look at the example sentences from the text. Find and underline all the verbs in the sentences. Which verbs are past simple and which verbs are past continuous? a Gary was building everything for their new home, while Paula was working. b They were looking at homes on the internet one day, when Tim, Gary's dad, had an idea. c Finally, Gary finished the work on the lorry and they moved in. ​



Ответ дал: sonbaro


a. Gary was building (Past Continuous) everything for their new home, while Paula was working (Past Continuous).

b. They were looking (Past Continuous) at homes on the internet one day, when Tim, Gary's dad, had (Past Simple) an idea.

c. Finally, Gary finished (Past Simple) the work on the lorry and they moved (Past Simple) in. ​


i. One action follows the other - Finally, Gary finished the work on the lorry and they moved in.

ii. The actions are happening at the same time - Gary was building everything for their new home, while Paula was working.

iii. One action interrupts the other - They were looking at homes on the internet one day, when Tim, Gary's dad, had an idea.

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