5 Read Bigfoot's letter and circle the correct answer a, b or c. Dear Yeti, I'm really looking forward to ¹ you this summer. I need ² I'd like 3 a holiday! you in July. Is it warm then? Are there any trees? I always sleep under in caves. trees. You know I can't stand 4 And don't worry, I don't mind 5 with the housework. I love 6 Your cousin, & Bigfoot 1 a see 2 a to have 3 a visiting 4 a sleep 5 a to help 6 a cooking sausages too! 20 b seeing b have b to visit b to sleep b helping b cook c seen c having c visit c sleeping c help c to cooking​



Ответ дал: kanykej438


Dear Yeti.

I'm really look forward to b) seeing you this summer. I need a) to have a holiday! I'd like b) to visit you in July. Is it warm then? Are there any trees? I always sleep under trees. You know I can't stand c) sleeping in caves. And don't worry, I don't mind b) helping with the housework. I love a) cooking sausages too!

Your cousin, Bigfout.

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