1) How is bread made? Rewrite the sentences in the present simple passive form to describe the process.
1 A baker mixes flour, yeast and water.
Flour, yeast and water is mixed by a baker.
2 The baker kneads the dough.
3 He bakes the dough for twenty-five minutes.
4 He puts the dough into an oven.
5 He takes the bread out of the oven.
6 He displays the bread on a shelf in his bakery. 7 A customer buys the bread from the baker

2) Rewrite the sentences in the past simple passive form. Use the agent where necessary.

1 A famous actor opened the new mall.

The new mall was opened by a famous actor.

2 The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

3 Picasso painted Guernica.

4 The French gave the USA the Statue of Liberty.

5 John Pemberton first produced Coca Cola in the 19th Century.

6 C.S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia series.
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Ответ дал: malikakholmuminova



1. Flour, yeast and water are mixed by a baker.

2. The dough is kneaded by the baker.

3. The dough is baked for twenty-five minutes by the baker.

4. The dough is put into an oven by the baker.

5. The bread is taken out of the oven by the baker.

6. The bread is displayed on a shelf in his bakery by the baker.

7. The bread is bought from the baker by a customer.


1. The new mall was opened by a famous actor.

2. The pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians.

3. Guernica was painted by Picasso.

4. The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by the French.

5. Coca Cola was first produced in the 19th Century by John Pemberton.

6. The Chronicles of Narnia series was written by C.S. Lewis.


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