QUESTION TAGS edice Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. 1 She wrote the first Harry Potter book in a café, didn't she? 2 This man, who is U2's singer does a lot of humanitarian work, 7 3 This actor has won an Oscar for Forrest Gump, ? 4 He was probably the greatest basketball player in history, ? 5 She lived in Calcutta, where she helped street children, bu she wasn't from India, 6 He became Cuba's leader in 1959 and he didn't transfer power to his brother until 2006, ? 7 Her full name is Madonna Louise Ciccone, 8 Her husband was US President. She's very popular but she probably won't be as famous as him, ДАМ 100 БАЛЛОВ СРОЧНО ​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

She wrote the first Harry Potter book in a café, didn't she? - Первую книгу о Гарри Поттере она написала в кафе, не так ли?

This man, who is U2's singer, does a lot of humanitarian work, doesn't he? - Этот человек, певец U2, много занимается  гуманитарной работой, не так ли?

This actor has won an Oscar for Forrest Gump, didn't he? - Этот актер получил «Оскар» за «Форреста Гампа», не так ли?

He was probably the greatest basketball player in history, wasn't he? - Вероятно, он был величайшим баскетболистом в истории, не так ли?

She lived in Calcutta, where she helped street children, but she wasn't from India, is she? - Она жила в Калькутте, помогала беспризорным детям, но она ведь не из Индии, не так ли?

He became Cuba's leader in 1959, and he didn't transfer power to his brother until 2006, did he? - Он стал лидером Кубы в 1959 году и передал власть своему брату только в 2006 году, не так ли?

Her full name is Madonna Louise Ciccone, isn't it? - Ее полное имя — Мадонна Луиза Чикконе, не так ли?

Her husband was US President. She's very popular, but she probably won't be as famous as him, will she? - Ее муж был президентом США. Она очень популярна, но, вероятно, не будет такой знаменитой, как он, не так ли?

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