02. Write the correct form of the verb given within brackets.

i. The workers kept on demanding (demand) the dismissal of the manager last week.
ii. The player has been fined (fine) for using coarse language during the match.
iii. The secretary has been drafting (draft) the letter since morning.
iv. He has dismissed (dismiss) from service, as his attendance was irregular.
v. I used (use) to work as a salesman after leaving school.
vi. The applicant has selected (select) as he was found to be the most suitable for the job.
vii. “Let’s fight against corruption” the minister said addressing (address) the crowd.
viii. Would you mind sending (send) the fax today?
ix. A the seminar was continuing (continue) for a very long time, many participants were bored.
x. How much money have you received (receive)?


Ответ дал: PaladenCreed
  • Ι. The workers kept on demanding the dismissal of the manager last week.
  • ΙΙ. The player has been fined for using coarse language during the match.
  • ΙΙΙ. The secretary has been drafting the letter since morning.
  • ΙV. He was dismissed from service, as his attendance was irregular.
  • V. I used to work as a salesman after leaving school.
  • . The applicant was selected as he was found to be the most suitable for the job.
  • VΙΙ. "Let's fight against corruption," the minister said addressing the crowd.
  • VΙΙΙ. Would you mind sending the fax today?
  • ΙΧ. As the seminar was continuing for a very long time, many participants were bored.
  • Χ. How much money have you received?
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