8. Read these ideas. Do you agree with them? Match them to the correct pictures. OUR LIVES WILL PROBABLY BE VERY DIFFERENT IN 2100. 1. Everybody will live in very tall buildings. 2. We will travel in different ways. 3. Our cities will be much bigger. 4. We will eat very different food. 5. Plants and crops will be very different.​

unbiased: Ты картинки добавить забыл, или тебе надо только ответ на вопрос?
aida1kulovaa1da1: забыла
aida1kulovaa1da1: ой,только ответ на вопрос хе-хе


Ответ дал: unbiased


Вот) если надо что-то добавить то скажи


It's possible, because every day we see changes in our world which tell us about it. Even today we can see than cities are growing really fast. So i think in a soon future we will be watching next changes.

aida1kulovaa1da1: Большое спасибо
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