помогите написать письмо на английском языке маме и папе что я (ког-будто) в Киеве)


Ответ дал: Dianayevseenko
типа на экскурсии или про что?

Nayle: нет нет нет
Ответ дал: Ver0nica
Hi mum and dad!
I am sitting in the hotel now.
Kiev is so beautiful city! There are a lot of museums,galleries and shops! I miss you so much and wait you here! We can go to the cafe, or to the center! It's very beautiful!!!
Hope you are Ok
See you soon

Dianayevseenko: Hello Mom and Dad, I'm on tour in Kiev now. This is a wonderful city there are many attractions. We have already visited the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and are now going to go to Castle of Richard the Lionheart Serdtse.Mne love it here. You miss your daughter (son). while
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