Complete the email from Dan's brother with the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. Hi Dan, How was your Geography trip? When I'was doing (do) Geography at school, we 2 (have) a school trip to the Rockies. It was winter and freezing cold. One day, the weather suddenly 3 (change) while we 4 (walk) in the mountains. We soon got lost in the fog! Our teachers had to call for help on their cell phones. While we 5 (wait), 16 (hear) a strange noise. It was ...​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


Hi Dan, How was your Geography trip? When I was doing (do) Geography at school, we 2 had a school trip to the Rockies. It was winter and freezing cold. One day, the weather suddenly 3 changed while we 4 were walking in the mountains. We soon got lost in the fog! Our teachers had to call for help on their cell phones. While we 5 were waiting,  I 6 heard a strange noise. It was ...​


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