Напиши за зразком ким би ти хотів бути
There are a lot of different jobs: an artist, a firefighter, a lawyer, a teacher, etc.
As for me, I would like to be a vet. It's a very useful job. Besides, I love animals. To my mind, they are very friendly and funny creatures. But sometimes they need some help. Helping them, I feel that I do the most important and necessary things in the world. So, being a vet is my vocation.​


Ответ дал: solevoii


There are countless career paths that one can choose from: a doctor, an engineer, a chef, a pilot, and many more.

As for me, I would like to be a scientist. Science has always fascinated me with its endless possibilities for exploration and discovery. I am drawn to the idea of conducting experiments, making observations, and unraveling the mysteries of the universe. I find great fulfillment in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Being a scientist also allows me the opportunity to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Through my research, I hope to make advancements that will benefit humanity, whether it is finding cures for diseases, developing sustainable technologies, or unraveling the secrets of our natural world.

In conclusion, I have a deep passion for science and a strong desire to make a difference. Therefore, I would love to pursue a career as a scientist and dedicate my life to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

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