24. Complete the article below with the present or past simple passive voice using the verbs in brackets. THE HISTORY OF PAPER Today, paper______(use) for hundreds of things-not only books and newspapers, but also money, stamps, bags and even clothes. In ancient times, before the invention of paper, people _____ (write) on animal skins, bones and stones. In 2700 BC the Egyptians_____ (start) to make papyrus, which was similar to paper. But the first real form of paper (invent) in 105 AD by a Chinese government official. It _____ (make) from a mixture of plants and clothes. The Chinese_____(keep) their new discovery a secret for many centuries. Finally, in the 10th century, paper _____ (bring) to Europe by the Arabs. The first European paper mill ----- (build) in Spain in 1150. Since the 18th century, most paper _____ (make) out of wood, because it is much stronger than cloth. Today, each person _____ (use) about 300 kg of paper every year. It has become a material that we cannot do without. longit​


Ответ дал: dan28bu
1. Is used
2. Wrote
3. Started
4. Was invented
5. Was made
6. Kept
7. Was brought
8. Was built
9. Was made
10. Use

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dan28bu: Естественно
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dan28bu: Пожалуйста
socik58: Sps
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