Underline the correct item.
1 You must brush/to brush/brushing your teeth twice a day.
2 He has decided look/to look/looking for a new job.
3 Poter enjoys to watch/watch/watching adventure films.
4 We are tired of live/living/to live in such a noisy area
5 She claims to have repaired/to repair/repairing the car herself.
6 I would rather eat/to eat/eating pizza than spaghetti.
7 We refused lend/to lend/lending him the car.
8 He was too young go/to go/going to the party alone.
9 He denied take/to take/taking the money.
10 You really should to spend/spend/spending more time studying.


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1 You must brush your teeth twice a day.

2 He has decided to look for a new job.

3 Poter enjoys watching adventure films.

4 We are tired of living in such a noisy area

5 She claims to have repaired the car herself.

6 I would rather eat pizza than spaghetti.

7 We refused to lend him the car.

8 He was too young to go to the party alone.

9 He denied taking the money.

10 You really should spend more time studying.

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