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Ответ дал: zrobok3319


The last two years of my life have been filled with many changes and influences. These experiences have shaped who I am today. In this essay, I will discuss some of the significant events and people that have had a strong impact on me during this time.

First and foremost, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a major influence in my life. It has affected the entire world, and I am no exception. The pandemic has changed the way I live, work, and interact with others. It forced me to adapt to new routines, such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and working from home. It also made me realize the importance of health and well-being, as I saw the devastating effects of the virus on individuals and communities. The pandemic has taught me to appreciate the little things in life and the importance of being resilient in the face of challenges.

Another significant influence in the last two years has been my family. Spending more time at home due to lockdowns and restrictions allowed me to strengthen my bond with my family members. We cooked together, played games, and had long conversations. This time together has deepened our relationships and made me appreciate the importance of family support.

Education has also played a crucial role in shaping the last two years of my life. The shift to online learning was a big change, and I had to adapt to a new way of studying. This experience taught me the value of self-discipline and time management. I also developed a greater appreciation for the efforts of my teachers and the importance of education in my life.

I have been fortunate to have some great friends who have influenced me positively during this time. They provided emotional support and helped me stay connected, even when physical distancing was necessary. Our shared experiences during the pandemic have made our friendships stronger, and I am grateful for their presence in my life.

Lastly, the books I have read and the movies I have watched have also influenced my life in the last two years. These forms of entertainment provided an escape from the stresses of the real world and allowed me to explore new ideas and perspectives. They broadened my horizons and enriched my imagination.

In conclusion, the last two years have been filled with various influences that have shaped me in different ways. The COVID-19 pandemic, family, education, friends, and entertainment have all played a significant role in molding my character and influencing my outlook on life. As I move forward, I hope to continue learning and growing, building on the lessons and experiences of these past two years.


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