1 You don't have to / must buy food for me. I can do it myself! 2 In my opinion, all young people have to / should stay at school until they are 18. 3 I have a doctor's appointment before school tomorrow so I must / have to get up early. 4 I'm happy you like reading but you don't have to / mustn't sit down all day long. It's not good for you. 5 I must to ask / ask you one question. 6 You don't must / have to make lunch for me. 7 To keep fit, you don't have to / shouldn't take the bus every day. 8 Unfortunately, I will be late tomorrow because I should have to visit the dentist. срочно ооооооооооо пж пж пж пж пж пж​


Ответ дал: iajkoa

1) have to

2) should stay

3) must

4) have to

5) I have to ask you one question

6) have to

7) хз..

mmirkarimovna: 7,8
iajkoa: сделай как лучший ответ пж
iajkoa: 7 хз , 8) have to
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