PAST SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT PO VERBS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT TENSE 1 My sister 2. We of the Covid 19. They 3. The neighbours 4. My sister 5. We 6. They 7. The Americans 8. The Lumière brothers 9. It 10. Kate so she 11 Oh my god! A Car the pedestrian Crossings! 12. I happy with me. 13. The teachers 15. My best friend 16 They 17. My stepsister 16 We 19. I am sorry I 20 The whole world (go) to the swimming pool yesterday (not/be) to the restaurant for a long time because (bel closed for months (renovate their house, it looks nice. (revise) for her exam all evening yesterday (decide) to buy a new cCar. (not finish) their training session yet. (elect) Mr Biden as their President last November. (invent) the cinema (not/show) much so far this winter! [(always/ wande) to become a star on You tube (send) some videos already. (tidy) my bedroom last weekend, so my mum Cust/run) over a Child on (Correct) our last exam last week (not/be) to a concert for ages. one year now. 22 Politicians 22 Come kids 23 I Can't remember when James 24. My brother 25 The British 26 Christopher Columbus Five centuries ago, he 27 (get) lost during his last trip in London. (buy) their house in 2010. (live) in New York since 2004. (start) learning Spanish two years ago. (miss) your birthday last Wednesday (be) infected with Covid 19 for nearly doctor for your backache yesterday? 28 We 29 Que (be) very disappointed when she that her husband had cancelled their holidays so We (bel (lose) popularity for some years now. (real) my mall From my box last week (last /comel home (not/invite) me lately. (decide) to leave Europe in 2016 (discover) America more than (think) it (be India you/managed to get an appointment with the (work) on this report for hours now. (watch) the rugby match last Saturday HR GES (find) out SHA​


Ответ дал: kgdc



1. My sister **went** to the swimming pool yesterday.

2. We **haven't been** to the restaurant for a long time because it **has been** closed for months.

3. They **have renovated** their house; it looks nice.

4. My sister **revised** for her exam all evening yesterday.

5. We **decided** to buy a new car.

6. They **haven't finished** their training session yet.

7. The Americans **elected** Mr. Biden as their President last November.

8. The Lumière brothers **invented** the cinema.

9. It **hasn't shown** much so far this winter.

10. Kate **has always wanted** to become a star on YouTube.

11. Oh my god! A car **hit** the pedestrian crossings!

12. I **was unhappy** with me.

13. The teachers **corrected** our last exam last week.

14. My best friend **hasn't been** to a concert for ages.

15. They **have been living** in New York since 2004.

16. My stepsister **started** learning Spanish two years ago.

17. We **missed** your birthday last Wednesday.

18. I **have been infected** with Covid-19 for nearly one year now.

19. Did you **see** the doctor for your backache yesterday?

20. We **haven't been** invited lately.

21. Que **was** very disappointed when she **learned** that her husband had canceled their holidays.

22. Politicians **have been losing** popularity for some years now.

23. I **realized** my wallet was missing from my box last week.

24. My brother **came home** last night.

25. The British **discovered** America more than five centuries ago.

26. Christopher Columbus **got** lost during his last trip in London.

27. They **bought** their house in 2010.

28. We **can't remember** when James **last visited**.

29. Have you **managed** to get an appointment with the doctor for your backache yesterday?

30. HR **has been working** on this report for hours now.

31. We **watched** the rugby match last Saturday.

32. HR **found out** SHA.

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