4 Use the appropriate modal verb to complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. 1 We're obliged to clean the kitchen after we finish cooking. We must clean the kitchen after we finish cooking. 2 They are able to speak English very well. They ................ speak English very well. 3 It's not a good idea to drink coffee before you go to bed. You ......... drink coffee before you go to bed. 4 It's against the rules to take fizzy drinks into the gym. You ...... ....!!. take fizzy drinks into the gym. 5 Is it OK if I bake a cake tonight? . I bake a cake tonight? будь ласка ​


Ответ дал: dimonchop


1. We're obliged to clean the kitchen after we finish cooking. → We must clean the kitchen after we finish cooking.

2. They are able to speak English very well. → They can speak English very well.

3. It's not a good idea to drink coffee before you go to bed. → You shouldn't drink coffee before you go to bed.

4. It's against the rules to take fizzy drinks into the gym. → You must not take fizzy drinks into the gym.

5. Is it OK if I bake a cake tonight? → Can I bake a cake tonight?

Аноним: Дяки дуже допомогли!
Аноним: Дуже класна відповідь все зрозуміло та понятно і головне все правильно
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