STAK something your parents don't let you (do) think when you you'll finish (study) English what you're looking forward 25. something you promised (do). but didn't Move ahead two spaces FINISH! something your parents always advise you (do) something you avoid possible a place you8 love (visit) something you hope (do) in the future planning (doar the weekend something you need (do) as soon as possible Go back three spaces. something you w who you ask (help) you when you have a ► learn some c red a text a conditional) talk about g 1. Lack at how to say​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


It seems like you've provided a series of prompts and cues that can be used to generate sentences or thoughts. Here are some sentences and thoughts based on the cues you provided:

1. Something your parents don't let you do: My parents don't let me stay out too late.

2. Think when you'll finish studying English: I think I'll finish studying English within the next year.

3. Something you're looking forward to: I'm looking forward to my 25th birthday.

4. Something you promised to do but didn't: I promised to call my friend last week, but I didn't.

5. Something your parents always advise you to do: My parents always advise me to save money.

6. Something you avoid: I avoid eating spicy food because I can't handle the heat.

7. A place you love to visit: I love to visit the beach during the summer.

8. Something you hope to do in the future: I hope to travel the world someday.

9. Planning to do over the weekend: I'm planning to go hiking over the weekend.

10. Something you need to do as soon as possible: I need to pay my bills as soon as possible.

11. Who you ask for help when you have a problem: I ask my best friend for help when I have a problem.

12. Learn some conditional sentences: I need to learn how to create conditional sentences.

It seems that the text you provided also includes some instructions related to moving spaces or finishing, but it's not entirely clear how to incorporate them into the sentences or thoughts. If you have specific questions or need further assistance, please let me know.

gulzadad87: спасибо
viktoriatrocin3: обращайся ;) всегда рада помочь
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