explain continue 1.Tim very well to the news. reacted complained realised 2.This Maths problem is really difficuh. Let me Complain explain allow 3.My mam doesuot our dog to sleep on the bed. Let encourage complain allow 4.I spent all the weekend trying to the mess in our garage. provide encourage clean up react realise suggest explain 5.My teacher rang up my parents because she wanted to about my behaviour suggest it to you. 6. Joseph doesn't speak French, so he couldn't what they were talking about. Understand 7. My cousin used to paint on walls in our town so be got loads of trouble with the . into, campaign on, authorities into, authorities at, urban culture ​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


It seems like you have a series of sentences with words that need to be matched correctly. Here are the corrected sentences:

1. Tim reacted very well to the news.

2. This Maths problem is really difficult. Let me explain it.

3. My mom doesn't allow our dog to sleep on the bed.

4. I spent all the weekend trying to clean up the mess in our garage.

5. My teacher rang up my parents because she wanted to complain about my behavior.

6. Joseph doesn't speak French, so he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

7. My cousin used to campaign on walls in our town, so he got into trouble with the authorities.

I've fixed the word order and usage in each sentence to make them grammatically correct and coherent.

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