составить предложение 5 по структуре : Adj+noun +preposition +adjective +noun +preposition +adjective +noun + will be/ Ving + adjective +noun +preposition +adjective +noun+preposition +adjective +noun ​ : и так 5 предложений с этой структурой только место will be / Ving ставить will have been / v3 : ed​


Ответ дал: pabloamigos777


The curious child in front of the old house with the broken windows will have been scared by the strange noises coming from the dark forest across the windy hill.

A skilled painter beside the vibrant mural on the crowded street will have been inspired by the unique patterns flowing from the colorful river near the silent valley.

The dedicated student in the large auditorium with the ancient history will have been fascinated by the complex theories presented in the thick book near the wooden desk.

An experienced gardener next to the blooming roses with the thorny stems will have been pricked by the sharp thorns hidden beneath the lush leaves beside the narrow path.

The adventurous hiker at the base of the steep mountain with the snowy peak will have been challenged by the harsh conditions waiting in the vast desert beyond the rocky plateau.


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