1. Are you American ? V----
Yes, I am
2. Is She English? X ---No, she isn't.
3. Are they scared? V--
4. Is it a pen? V---
5. Is he your father? V--
6. Are they from Paris? V-
7. Are you French ?X--
8. Is she mad ?X---
9. Is he your brother ?X--
10. Is she from Scotland ?V--
11. Are they from Los angeles ?V--
12. Is it the new Ford Fiesta? V--
13. Are they Italian ? X-------
14. Are the dogs dirty?V------
15. Is this woman your teacher?V-
16.Is this man from London ?X--
17. Are the gangsters dangerous? V--
18. Is New York in England ?-
19. Is Dennis American ?X----
20. Is Julie from San Francisco ? X--
21. Is Washington in the USA ?
22. Are your parents at home ? V--
23. Are you happy? V --
24. Is she a doctor? X----
25. Are you two good friends ? V-
26. Is Jessica from Paris? V---
27. Is the Eiffel Tower in Paris?
28. Is Sean Irish? V----------
29. Are you from Germany? X---
30. Is Mr Obama the President of the USA ?-.
31. Is this boy your brother? V--
32. Are you often late for school ?X--
33. Are they intelligent ? X


Ответ дал: yankaqq


3. Yes, they are

4. Yes, it is

5. Yes, he is

6. Yes, they are

7. No, I’m not

8. No, she isn’t

9. No, he isn’t

10. Yes, she is

11. Yes, they are

12.Yes, it is

13. No, they aren’t

14. Yes, they are

15. Yes, she is

16. No, he isn’t

17. Yes, they are

18. No, it isn’t

19. No, he isn’t

20. No, she isn’t

21. Yes, it is

22. Yes, they are

23. Yes, I am

24. No, she isn’t

25. Yes, we are

26. Yes, she is

27. Yes, it is

28. Yes, she is

29. No, I’m not

30. Yes, he is

31. Yes, he is

32. No, I’m not

33. No, they aren’t


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