Пж дуже треба. Англійська мова



Ответ дал: sonbaro
  1. We were playing football when the rain started.
  2. He broke the vase while he was playing ball at home.
  3. My mom came in while I was surfing on the net.
  4. Sandra was running when she fell down the stairs.
  5. I was playing golf when it began to rain.
  6. While she was reading a novel, her sister turned off the lights.
  7. They were walking along the beach when they saw the accident.
  8. We were studying in the library when we heard a scary voice.
  9. While she was doing the ironing, her husband set the table.
  10. Ricardo and I were dancing when he fell.
  11. When the thieve fell down the tree, he was hiding from the police.
  12. I was waiting outside the hospital when I heard the bad news.
  13. She was crying when I saw her.
  14. My parents were sitting in the garden while we were playing badminton.
  15. Bob was lying in the garden when it started to rain.
  16. What were you doing when Daniel fell?
  17. I was talking to costumer service when the postman delivered my package!
  18. While I was swimming in the river, I saw some frogs.
  19. Jim was sending a message when he crashed his car into the tree.
  20. When I was putting the baby down, the phone rang.

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