помогите пожалуйста
Complete the words in the sentence.
1. I'm feeling sick.
2. I've got a h_ _d_ _ _ _.
3. I've got a s_ _e t_ _ _ _t.
4. I'm c_ _ _h_ _.
5. I'm s_ _e_ _ _g.
6. I've got a s_ _m_ _h_ _ _e.
7. I've got hay f_ _ _ r.
8. I've got a good a_ _ _r_y.
9. I've got a high t_ _p_ _ _t_ _e.
10. I've got the f_ _.

очень нужно,заранее благодарна


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


Sure, I can help you complete the words in the sentence:

1. I'm feeling sick.

2. I've got a headache.

3. I've got a sore throat.

4. I'm coughing.

5. I'm sneezing.

6. I've got a stomachache.

7. I've got hay fever.

8. I've got a good appetite.

9. I've got a high temperature.

10. I've got the flu.

Ответ дал: AnnaSteele

2. headache

3. sore throat

4. coughing

5. sneezing

6. stomachache

7. fever

8. allergy

9. temperature

10. flu

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