Complete the sentences using question tags.
1) Ben and Pete are listening to the teacher,....?
2) Your sister likes ice cream, ......?
3) Mary rode a bike yesterday, .....?
4) I'm clever, .....?
5) Jack and I aren't at school, ......?
6) You haven't done your homework, ....?
7) Today my dog is angry, .......?
8) Olesia will visit her granny tomorrow, ....?
9) We are friends, ......?
10) I'm late, .....?


Ответ дал: Sandra7890


1) aren't they?

2) doesn't she?

3) didn't she?

4) Am not I?

5) are we?

6) have you?

7) isn't it?

8) will not she?

9) aren't we?

10) am not I?


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