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read the article again and complete the gaps with a preposition from the list
around , at , in , next to , off , on(2) , on the top of , with

Transport in London
London Underground (The Tube)
This is the quickest way to get 1 around the city and there are many underground stations all over London. The cheapest way to use the underground is to get an Oyster card. This is like a phone card. You put money on it, and then top it up when you need to, and then you use it every time you get 2 ______or 3_____ the Tube. You can buy Oyster cards at tube stations and in newsagents.
They can be quicker than the underground if there isn't too much traffic. The easiest way to use the buses, like the underground, is to just use your Oyster card. You can also buy tickets from machines 4_______ bus stops. On some buses you can buy a ticket with cash when you get 5______ the bus. Some of the buses operate 24 hours a day, so you can also use them at night. Travelling 6 ______a double-decker bus is also a good way to see London.
Bikes are now more popular than ever in London, especially 7_______ tourists and people who want to be fit. There are quite a lot of cycle lanes, and bikes that you can hire, nicknamed 'Boris Bikes' after Boris Johnson, the mayor of London. You can use your credit card to hire a bike, and the first 30 minutes are free.
Taxis and Mini-cabs
London's black taxis are expensive, but they are comfortable and the taxi drivers know London very well. You normally tell the driver where you want to go before you get 8_______ the taxi. Mini-cabs are normal cars which work for a company, and which you have to phone. They are much cheaper, but make sure you use a licensed company. Taxis or mini-cabs are probably the safest way to travel late 9________ night.


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


Here's the completed text with the prepositions:

Transport in London

London Underground (The Tube)

This is the quickest way to get **around** the city, and there are many underground stations all over London. The cheapest way to use the underground is to get an Oyster card. This is like a phone card. You put money on it, and then top it up when you need to, and then you use it every time you get **on** or **off** the Tube. You can buy Oyster cards at tube stations and in newsagents.


They can be quicker than the underground if there isn't too much traffic. The easiest way to use the buses, like the underground, is to just use your Oyster card. You can also buy tickets from machines **at** bus stops. On some buses, you can buy a ticket with cash when you get **on** the bus. Some of the buses operate 24 hours a day, so you can also use them at night. Travelling **on** a double-decker bus is also a good way to see London.


Bikes are now more popular than ever in London, especially **with** tourists and people who want to be fit. There are quite a lot of cycle lanes, and bikes that you can hire, nicknamed 'Boris Bikes' after Boris Johnson, the mayor of London. You can use your credit card to hire a bike, and the first 30 minutes are free.

Taxis and Mini-cabs

London's black taxis are expensive, but they are comfortable and the taxi drivers know London very well. You normally tell the driver where you want to go before you get **in** the taxi. Mini-cabs are normal cars that work for a company, and which you have to phone. They are much cheaper, but make sure you use a licensed company. Taxis or mini-cabs are probably the safest way to travel late **at** night.

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