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Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True

B 1. . They wanted to find a strong bull.

2.  All the other bulls ran around wildly

3. A bee stung him.

4. They took him to Madrid.

5. He came and ran to the middle of the arena.

6. Because he sat down quietly smelt the flowers and started daydreaming.

7. He is at home sitting under the cork tree, smelling the flowers and dreaming

C.   sit-stand   big-small   take-give   like-hate  long-short     day-night  

bull-cow   wild-domestic   ask-answer  find-lose    weak-strong  always-never    worried-calm   brave- coward     loud- low      fast-slow    come-leave    lovely-ugly   right-left  whisper -cry  

Объяснение: brave-

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