2 Complete the dialogue with the past
continuous form of the verbs in the box.
do (x2) not feel have - not lie sit visit
Helen: I rang you at 8 pm last night, but there
was no answer. What (a).
Luke: My mum and I (b).
my grandmother in hospital.
Helen: Oh, no! Why was she in hospital?
Luke: Yesterday morning she (c)
I see. What (d).
last night when you visited her?
well at all, so we took her there.
Luke: We were surprised because she
patients (g).
and they (h).
laughing. So everything's OK!
in bed. She
on a chair. All the

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Ответ дал: Iwonа


Helen: I rang you at 8 pm last night, but there was no answer. What were you doing?

Luke: My mum and I were visiting my grandmother in hospital.

Helen: Oh, no! Why was she in hospital?

Luke: Yesterday morning she wasn't feeling well at all, so we took her there.

Helen: I see. What was she doing last night when you visited her?

Luke: We were surprised because she wasn't lying in bed. She was sitting on a chair. All the patients were having dinner and they were chatting and laughing. So everything's OK!


Аноним: Огромная честь поздравить сегодня модераторов данного сервиса с днем народного единства! Желаю вам поскорее уже объединиться и избавиться от всякого рода татуан, татмихов и прочих некорректных персонажей.
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