• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: xkonderx
  • Вопрос задан 3 месяца назад

Допоможіть будь ласка як умога скоріш: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1-4, then correct the mistakes in sentences 5-8.
1. I sing / am singing in the school hall on Fridays.
2. The film was / were very exciting
3. I usually stay / stay usually at home
4. That is / was a very good barbecue last Sunday
5. I go often with my friendsti the cinema
6. How are you? I write to give you some news
7. The weather amazing last month
8. I like go to school because i like my teachers.


Ответ дал: kiriltodorkov

Here are the corrected sentences:

I sing in the school hall on Fridays. (Present Simple tense is used for habitual actions.)

The film was very exciting.

I usually stay at home.

That was a very good barbecue last Sunday.

I often go with my friends to the cinema. (Corrected spelling of "friends" and "to the cinema.")

How are you? I am writing to give you some news. (Added "am" to the sentence.)

The weather was amazing last month. (Used the past tense "was.")

I like to go to school because I like my teachers. (Added "to" before "go," and capitalized "I" and "I like my teachers.")

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