Complete the sentences with the correct nouns formed from the verbs in bold.

1She made an interesting (…) about American sporting tradition. OBSERVE

2Mo Farah is an (…) to athletes around the world! INSPIRE

3They started an (…) to help athletes with disabilities. ORGANISE

4Are you taking part in tomorrow's sports (…) ? COMPETE

5I'd like some (…) about the tennis championship, please. INFORM

6Teachers should do more to improve health and fitness (…) in schools. EDUCATE

7You're not paying (…) to the game – be quiet and watch! ATTEND

8There must be good (…) between members of the team if we want to win. COMMUNICATE


Ответ дал: SanXs
Certainly! Here are the completed sentences:

1. She made an interesting **observation** about American sporting tradition.
2. Mo Farah is an **inspiration** to athletes around the world!
3. They started an **organization** to help athletes with disabilities.
4. Are you taking part in tomorrow's sports **competition**?
5. I'd like some **information** about the tennis championship, please.
6. Teachers should do more to improve health and fitness **education** in schools.
7. You're not paying **attention** to the game – be quiet and watch!
8. There must be good **communication** between members of the team if we want to win.

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