Prepare true sentences to talk about things that are necessary, not necessary or not permitted at your school. Think about clothes, furniture, sports, excursions, eating and drinking, etc
10 речень очень срочно нужно сделать!!!!​


Ответ дал: eisakmatvei

1. Wearing a school uniform is necessary at our school.

2. Bringing furniture from home is not necessary; we have all the necessary furniture in the classrooms.

3. Playing sports is encouraged and necessary for physical fitness.

4. Going on excursions is allowed and sometimes organized by the school.

5. Eating and drinking in the classrooms is not permitted to keep the school clean.

6. Using electronic devices in class is not permitted to maintain a focused learning environment.

7. Completing homework is necessary to succeed in our studies.

8. Bringing pets to school is not allowed for safety and hygiene reasons.

9. Using the library for research is encouraged and necessary for academic projects.

10. Engaging in volunteer activities is not only permitted but also encouraged to instill a sense of community service among students.

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