rewrite these sentences in the passive voice

49. Millions of people use the Internet every day. 50. They gave Bob a CD player for his birthday. 51. The prime minister will give a medal to the winners. 52. She is telling the children a story. 53. They've offered Sally a job. 54. Poisonous chemicals have polluted the river. 55. Doctor Simms is examining her.


Ответ дал: procuber222


1. The Internet is used by millions of people every day.

2. A CD player was given to Bob for his birthday.

3. A medal will be given to the winners by the prime minister.

4. The children are being told a story by her.

5. A job has been offered to Sally by them.

6. The river has been polluted by poisonous chemicals.

7. She is being examined by Doctor Simms.

procuber222: Надеюсь поможет
parkrona719: спасибо большое
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